All shots were taken with a Televue NP-101 or a Televue
NP-127is and a Hutech modified Canon XSi (450D). In some cases a Honis modified Canon Ti3 (600D) was used.
The aquistion of the 600D is relatively new and so far, the 450D seems to out perform it (much lower noise).
The guiding was done using an Orion StarShoot autoguider attached to a TV NP-101 or TV-60.
Stacking and aligning was done using DeepSky Stacker (free-ware) and/or ImagesPlus.
Post-processing was done using Adobe PS CS3, GradientXTerminator, Noise Ninja and Carboni Action Tools for PS.
Unless otherwise indicated, appropriate darks, flats, dark-flats and bias frames were used.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the TV NP-101 was used, otherwise the TV NP-127is was used.