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Online Bible Self-Paced Study

Feeling despair, that life has no meaning and that there must be a purpose for your existence?

Perhaps this Online Bible Study can help you examine new avenues of hope.

This is a self-paced Bible study. We suggest that you use a Bible for looking up passages during the readings. The information contained herein was taken from a source with no author named or publishing information. I claim copyrights TR© on all five lessons and artwork until such time a verified source appears. The study is not associated with any specific church or affiliation but simply examines God's Word given to the world. Take a chance and let His word give you hope and peace.

Lesson One

Man's Guilt

Lesson Two

Christ is the Answer

Lesson Three

Man's Response to Christ

Lesson Four

Christ and His Word

Lesson Five

Christ and His Church

Lesson Six

Christ Our Master